SMS - Verbal Opt-In Compliance

1. Situation and Compliance Requirements


As part of our commitment to maintaining the highest compliance standards with telecommunications regulations and ensuring a positive experience for all participants and donors, SimpleRaise requires that all contacts added to our fundraising campaigns have explicitly consented to receive SMS messages. This consent is crucial to avoid potential legal issues, ensure transparency, and respect the privacy and preferences of the individuals we contact.

Why Verbal Opt-In is Important:

Sometimes, donor contacts may be added to the fundraising campaign through verbal consent. This consent must be obtained clearly and transparently, with the donor contact fully understanding that they will receive text messages and can opt-out anytime. This process ensures that we comply with regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States and similar laws in other regions.

Compliance Requirements:

  • Explicit Consent: Donor contacts must clearly and explicitly consent to receive SMS messages. This can be done verbally, but the process must clearly explain what they agree to and how they can opt-out.
  • Documentation: While verbal consent is acceptable, it is highly recommended that a confirmation message that includes opt-out instructions be followed up with.
  • Opt-Out Mechanism: Every message must include a straightforward way for the recipient to opt out of further communications (e.g., replying "STOP").

Failure to obtain proper consent can result in fines, legal action, and damage to the organization's reputation. Therefore, all team members involved in the fundraising process must follow the guidelines below when obtaining verbal opt-in from donor contacts.

2. Verbal Opt-In Script Example

Below is an example script that should be used when obtaining verbal consent from donor contacts:

Verbal Opt-In Script for SimpleRaise Fundraising

Introduction: “Hi [Donor Contact's Name], this is [Your Name]. I’m reaching out because I’m participating in a fundraising campaign for [Fundraiser Title] through SimpleRaise. We’re raising money to support [Briefly Explain the Cause, e.g., our school’s fine arts program], and I wanted your support.”

Consent Request: “With your permission, I’d like to send you a few text messages with more information on how you can contribute. These messages would include a link to donate, updates on our progress, and reminders about the campaign. You can opt out of receiving these messages anytime by replying 'STOP.' Does that sound okay to you?”

Confirmation: [If they agree] “Great! Thank you so much. I’ll send you a text message shortly. Remember, you can reply 'STOP' anytime if you no longer wish to receive these messages. I appreciate your support!”

Alternative Option: [If they decline] “No problem at all. I appreciate your time, and if you change your mind, just let me know. Thanks again for considering supporting our fundraiser.”

Key Points to Remember:

  • Clarity: Ensure that the donor contact fully understands that they consent to receive SMS messages related to the fundraiser.
  • Opt-Out Information: Always provide the option to opt-out by replying 'STOP' at any time.
  • Politeness: Be respectful and thankful, regardless of whether the donor contact agrees to receive messages.


Following this process keeps SimpleRaise in compliance with relevant regulations and builds trust with our participants and donor contacts by ensuring that all communications are consensual and respectful. Please ensure that this script is used consistently and that all verbal opt-ins are followed up with a confirmation message containing opt-out information.

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